Thursday, November 29, 2007
late to the party
I just cast on the Central Park Hoodie. I picked up the Knitscene issue in a LYS bargain bin and happened to have some Debbie Bliss Aran Tweed in my stash that is similar to the Takhi Donegal Tweed called for. After snooping around the web and Ravelry, I came to learn just how late I am to jump on this bandwagon!

I've made a few modifications already:

  • went down to a #7 needle for the body because the DB Aran Tweed is pretty thin in some spots, so I'm knitting the sweater one size larger; some other knitters have said the pattern runs small so this should work out
  • knitting the back and fronts in one piece to avoid some seams
  • added two more rows between cable rows to elongate the cables a bit
  • only knit 3" of ribbing instead of 4" since I'm vertically-challenged

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
a chance to win more yarn
Lotus Knits! asks...

Do you have any "dream" projects that you have trepidations about casting on? Does a new technique keep you from trying a pattern you love? Or do you just try everything, no matter what?

Leave her a comment with your response for a chance to win some of her beautiful yarn.

Thursday, November 08, 2007
another contest
Leave a comment with some of your favorite patterns at
The Bag Lady and The Pro for a chance to win some yarn.

Here are the ones I shared:

My So Called Scarf

Falling In Love

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
time-waster-of-the-day for "the office" fans
Which character are you?

Dunder Mifflin Personality Quiz
created with

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
modified saturday market bag

I hate seaming so here are my mods for the MagKnits Saturday Market Bag. I also changed it to have two handles. You can use any toe-up sock cast-on - I only used the Eastern/Turkish cast-on because that was the only one I knew when I knit this bag.


Lily Sugar 'n Cream (2.5 oz) - 2 balls (I used only a little of the 2nd ball)


DPNs size US 15**
24" or 29"circular size US 15
24" or 29"circular size US 10 (can also use straight or DPNs for the straps)


With two size 15 DPNs, Eastern/Turkish cast-on 80 sts; pm and distribute sts to as many DPNs as necessary; knit two rounds then start lace pattern:

Round 1: *yo, sl 1, k1, yo, psso the knit st and the yo; repeat from * to end of the round
Round 2: *drop yo, k2, repeat from * to end of the round
Round 3: k1; repeat from * of Round 1 to the last st; k1
Round 4: k1; *drop yo, k2, repeat from * to last st; k1

Repeat the four lace pattern rounds 6 times, switching to circular needle as needed.

Switch to size 10 circular; garter st 4 rounds. On the next round, remove m, BO 7, *k6 and place on holder, BO 14, repeat from * two more times; k6 and place on holder, BO 7, break off yarn.

Place one set of 6 sts on smaller needle with WS facing, join yarn, and garter st 19 rows back and forth. Break off yarn and put the 6 sts back onto holder. Repeat with remaining three sets of 6 sts.

With RS facing, three-needle BO a front strap and a back strap together. Repeat for other strap. Weave in ends.


**I didn't have size 15 DPNs so I used straight needles to cast on, pointing the two needles in opposite directions. I struggled with the initial rounds on a circular so I would recommend DPNs if you have them.

Monday, November 05, 2007
I've frogged this sock so many times, I could have knit it three times over! After all the effort, I'm not even really thrilled with how it looks. I cast-on with size 6 DPNs so the leg wouldn't be too tight and then knit with size 4 DPNs. The pattern calls for size 5 DPNs which I don't have, so I tried not to knit too tightly in the beginning. But as I got further down the leg, I tightened up a bit because it was looking so huge. When I got past the heel flap and tried the sock on, I ended up frogging it back almost to the beginning to make the leg shorter - it just didn't look good on me when it was longer.

Because my row gauge was off from the pattern, I started the decreases for the toe earlier but then the foot was too short so I frogged again. I finally got to the toe and now don't have enough yarn to graft it together - arrghh! I'll have to use a new strand of yarn and have more ends to weave in.

This is my first cuff-down sock and my second pair of socks ever. Conclusion...I prefer toe-up and magic loop. For me, cuff-down is too hard to try on while knitting and to gauge how much yarn you'll need to get to the toe (at least with toe-up, you can adjust the length of the leg easily if you start running out of yarn). Plus the noticeable toe decreases look lumpy. I may never get to the second sock on this one. :(

Friday, November 02, 2007
win more yarn and other goodies
Head over to the blog Shut Up, I'm Counting and leave a comment with three of your favorite knitting related gifts. Here are the ones I shared:
1. Love my red Clover Kacha-Kacha row counter which I got from a knitting secret pal a few years ago - great for matching up the lengths of sweater fronts, sleeves, socks, and for intricate patterns where you need to keep track of rows.

2. Also love my Lantern Moon sheep tape measure (also a gift from a secret pal). So cute, how can you resist?

3. Fun thing to give to other knitters are The Yarn Harlot (Stephanie Pearl-McPhee) books - great stocking stuffers!

Thursday, November 01, 2007
win some yarn!
Enter the contest on Knit with KT's blog by leaving her a comment with ideas for knitted gifts.
